The EFL can confirm that 2858 players and Club staff from the 24 Championship Clubs were tested over the course of the past week with three individuals testing positive from two Clubs.

Those players or Club staff who have tested positive will now self-isolate in line with the guidelines provided by the EFL and only those who have tested negative will be permitted to enter training ground facilities.


The EFL can confirm that 297 players and Club staff were tested from four League One Clubs over the course of the past week with zero individuals testing positive.


The EFL can confirm that 271 players and Club staff were tested from four League Two Clubs over the course of the past week with zero individuals testing positive.


As the fixture programme resumes, the EFL will make a central announcement of COVID-19 test results every Wednesday to continue to support competition integrity and transparency.

No specific details as to Clubs or individuals will be provided by the League.

Additional information

Tests are taking place twice a week at Clubs.

Positive test result with symptoms – must exclude for 7 days minimum off-site or until symptoms resolve. If necessary for symptom resolution, individuals to remain away for a further 7 days whilst undertaking a gradual return to activity.

Positive test result with no symptoms – must first confirm if they have experienced any symptoms in previous month.

If they have not experienced any symptoms, they must exclude from training for 10 days and return on day 11.

Through days 11-14 they will be under strict surveillance and if the individual does develop symptoms they must then exclude for 7 days from this point.

Negative test result with symptoms – will return to training at resolution of symptoms

Negative test result with no symptoms - allowed to continue training as usual

If an individual tests positive, they do not get tested again for 28 days as a further positive test is linked to the previous infection in that period. Currently there is no scientific evidence for reinfection.

Self-isolation - Stage 1 and Stage 2 of Return to Training

During stage 1 – only the individual player or member of staff is required to self-isolate following a positive test result. This is due to social distancing measures in place.

During stage 2 - in addition to the individual player or member of staff required to self-isolate, any close contacts of that person must self-isolate for 14 days.

There is no requirement to exclude other players or members of staff, unless deemed by Club medical staff to have been in prolonged close contact with the individual who has tested positive

Prolonged close contact is when players or staff members have been within the less than two metres apart for 15 minutes or more and advice will be taken from Public Health England in regards to contact tracing.