At its Annual General Meeting today, EFL Clubs have agreed Regulation amendments arising out of the Governance Review which took place over the course of the 2019/20 season.

The proposals passed are as follows:

1. Divisional Financial Fair Play Rules

EFL Regulation 18 previously required 75% of Member Clubs of the Division to amend Divisional Fair Play Rules. Clubs today voted to reduce this threshold to two thirds.

2. Commercial Committee

Clubs today agreed a new process for finalising major commercial contracts as outlined in Regulation 78, with contracts to be approved by a majority of Member Clubs and a majority of Championship Clubs. Updated Terms of Reference for the EFL’s Commercial Committee were also passed.

In addition, EFL Clubs have also formally ratified the appointment of Rick Parry as Chair of the EFL, who will continue in his post for a three-year term (until June 2023) having been first appointed by the EFL Board earlier this season.